oh life!

Have you ever used it? semacam online diary, dikenalin sama @tguhh. Dulu pernah tiap hari posting disana, tentang apa saja, hal random, sampai akhirnya bosan sendiri.

Bosanan? Iya, selalu ada titik jenuh. Dulu pernah punya titik jenuh sampai malas pergi ke ‘second home’, skg jenuh lalu mengajukan diri untuk berada di ‘framework’ baru. Bukan zend ataupun code igniter kok, kenal mereka pun tidak.

Bicara tentang hidup, ga akan jauh-jauh dari ‘roda’ yang berputar, bahagia non-bahagia, nyaman non-nyaman. Yang jelas tidak selamanya hidup semulus keinginan kita, saia, tepatnya. Harus berani mencoba hal baru, harus rela menjauhi kenyamanan yang ada, harus punya rasa tidak ‘memiliki’ atas orang-orang yang membuat nyaman. Teman datang dan pergi, atasan juga berganti. Tenang saja, smua akan baik-baik saja.


Using password is one of the easiest ways to protect your account. But everyone isn’t really aware how to make a strong password (the length and the combination of characters, symbols, and numeric) and how to protect their password. Some people use the same password for every account, tell the other their password, write down their password on the sticky note, put it on their pc, or never change their password regularly. Imagine that your mailbox is as important as your “server”, imagine that someone will randomly changed your configuration thus make your setting works improperly, damage your image-or so called “pencitraan” in Indonesian language, steal your data, or even use your data for deception purposes. Am I too paranoid? No, I’m just trying to remind you that password is just the lowest security you could do to protect your “life”.

Suddenly remember about one thing called passphrase. A passphrase is a sequence of words or other text used to control access to a computer system, program or data. A passphrase is similar to a password in usage, but is generally longer for added security. Passphrases are often used to control both access to, and operation of, cryptographic programs and systems. Passphrases are particularly applicable to systems that use the passphrase as an encryption key. The origin of the term is by analogy with password. The modern concept of passphrases is believed to have been invented by Sigmund N. Porter in 1982 (Wikipedia). In a computer networking, the easy definition of a passphrase is, one or a few small words chosen by an administrator or user for use as a security setting. Passphrases are designed to make network security settings easier to remember (compnetworking.about.com).

Other stuff I copied from wikipedia, here are the typical advice about choosing a passphrase:
– Long enough to be hard to guess
– Not a famous quotation from literature, holy books, et cetera
– Hard to guess by intuition—even by someone who knows the user well
– Easy to remember and type accurately
– For better security, any easily memorable encoding at your own level can be applied
– Not reused between sites, applications and other different sources.

Instead of using a strong password which needs habit to write it fast, we could use a passphrase. Freely decide what to choose to be your passphrase, something easy to remember which need, at least one hint to enter your accounts. At last, we just need to manage our password by change it regularly.

Finally, let’s find out about passphrase from accurate references. :mrgreen:


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breaking the habits?!

Just found myself getting bored in blogging. Nothing to post, never do the blog-walking, seldom reply the comment, and have no brave to practice my written in English, such haven’t given myself to do the wrong English post, ah whatever. Feels like leaving it like a zombie. I should change my habits, I should stop my hiatus-hobby, or should I consider sharing something I’ve got from my college?

It’s been two-year from my graduation, feels like missing my time to sit in a class, having a discussion group, giving a hard attention to the lecturer, copying the other’s tasks, and else. I really don’t want to lose my knowledge, I have to implement my knowledge, I don’t want to forget what I’ve learnt. I like multimedia class, human computer interaction, cryptography, natural language processing, and also artificial intelligence. And now I have to re-learn it all. I have to share it all, thought that’s the best way to force myself to keep learning.

Should I make such a plan what to post here?
Isn’t that too passionate if I make such a plan what to post here?
*mengangkat bahu, tersisa keengganan, tapi merasa harus* #labil

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Survey Monkey

Itu apa?
Tools untuk menyurvey monyet kah? O,o
Silakan cek sendiri ke situsnya..klw perlu dicoba langsung..hmm..klw mau leluasa membuat survey sebaiknya memang pilih yang berbayar heheu.. :mrgreen:
Yah selagi kepentingan dan tujuannya jelas rasa-rasanya harga segitu masih worth it qo, percaya deh..

Ini harusnya diposting dari jauh-jauh hari..tapi lupa terus.. 😀

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fotocopy tangan

our hands, our kuil.. 🙂

Juni ini ‘menyenangkan’..terlalu banyak hal baru yang tidak boleh dilupakan dan bisa dijadikan pembelajaran. Belajar mengontrol emosi, dan masih selalu gagal. Belajar ‘menjebak’ teman, dan ada yang lebih lihai. Belajar merendah demi tercapainya satu tujuan. Smangat naik turun, pernah merasa ingin menyerah lalu kemudian berusaha bangkit lagi. Sekarang, seharusnya sudah mendekati selesai, smoga tidak ada lagi tugas dadakan, pulang telat, fotocopy tangan, bahas core-ong, atau apalah hal aneh yang menyenangkan. Belajar untuk tidak menerima informasi mentah2, memfilter, menduga makna lain, mengerjakan tanpa terlalu banyak berpikir, menuntaskan sesuatu yang sebenarnya dalam hati kecil mengatakan bahwa ini belum tuntas, dan hanya bisa tuntas jika direncanakan matang-matang.

Selain dari semua itu..ini pengalaman. Saat ini menyenangkan, saat itu merasa tertekan. Terima kasih untuk semua ‘jin’ maaf jika banyak hal yang tidak berkenan. Ini media belajar ‘mengkhayal’ heheu.. :mrgreen:

41, 46

Tepatnya angkatan 41, waktu saia d3 IPB..dan sekarang di kantor ada anak magang dr d3 IPB juga, angkatan 46. Tiap ngeliat mereka sering keinget sama masa-masa magang dulu, disebutnya kerja praktek 2 (KP2). Dateng ke kantor, sungkan, ga enakan, diem-diem chatting, tapi belum akrab sama gugling. Sekarang, mereka sama aja, gajauh beda sama saia dulu. Bedanya sekarang mereka ada di tempat dimana ada 6 senior mereka, senior-seniornya gabisa bantu byk memang, tapi setidaknya kami tau gimana dan apa yang harus mereka lakukan. Jujur aja ada perasaan ingin bantu mereka, meski hanya sekedar saran, push mereka supaya bisa selesai tepat sasaran, demi nama baik IPB.. #tsahhh :mrgreen:

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